Now, the 'Friends are a Gift' one is one of the new Inkadinkadoo Personal Impressions stamps. The centre words and the frame are separate so you can mix and match them and cut and layer them too. They appear to be like gold dust in the UK, everybody is out of stock of them and I've only been able to get this one, hence my disappointment of last week.

But, today, I'm a happy bunny. I won an auction on ebay last night. Well, this morning technically as I sat up until it finished at 2.14a.m. The auction was for 15 sets of these stamps. That's a UK retail price of about £75 and I got them for £25. I'm well chuffed. Just wondering how long they'll take to get here from the US now.
As a little aside and changing the subject, I took my granddaughter to Horncastle yesterday to see the ducks. I'm not really an outing kinda person but I so enjoyed myself with her. Mia absolutley loved them and kept shouting quack quack at them. Nothing different from other kiddies, I know, but it was my first visit to the ducks with her and it was lovely.
I also made another necklace yesterday. This time using Black Banded Agate. I had a bit of trouble with this one as for some reason I just couldn't get my wire loops right, but still, it came together in the end. It's a lovely stone and has some really beautiful markings on it.