A couple of years ago, I handmade and bound myself a book. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but in the end, decided to use it as an art journal and I really liked the Rusty Pickle paper I'd used to cover it. I did about 2 pages and then forgot all about it.

This last week, I decided to take up journaling again but now, I really didn't think the cover was suitable as styles have changed so much. So...I altered it.
Front Cover.

Back Cover.

Now, I love it, lol. I so enjoyed doing the cover, that I've also done a couple more pages as well. All my backgrounds were done with acrylic paints (have yet to try spray inks) I used brushes and my fingers to blend it. Paint has also been flicked and thrown on to make some of the marks. I took the bull by the horns when I decided to doodle and hand write things too, lol. I'm not sure if I like that part, but hey! it seems to work OK. :o) Images by Dyan Reavely and Ten Two Studios. I also used some background stamps by Andy Skinner.

This 2nd page has Sylvia Plath's Mirror poem written on it. My fave all time poem and I'm sure one that many of, as we get older, can relate to, lol.

Entering into:
JACKSON'S DIGITAL EXPRESSIONS #9 - Anything or Altering.
CRAFTS AND ME #89 - Anything goes.SIMON SAYS STAMP - Anything but a card.
TANDA STAMPS #198 - Splish,Splash,Splat. (plenty of that here, lol). ART WITH NO BOUNDARIES - Anything goes and/or Performing Arts.
MAKE IT MONDAY #94 - Anything goes.